Wednesday, October 30, 2013

SCR High Performance Coach: Jimmy FKN Butler

Words by Jimmy Butler... 

We thought we'd ask our very own high performance coach, Jimmy Butler, to shed some light on some key issues for the team in public sphere so you could get a feel for what we, as serious racers, struggle with day-to-day...


- Jimmy, how important is colour co-ordination in your pre-race routine? How much time to you dedicate to this task?

Colour co-ordination and looking good in general are everything. Looks and style are all that matter in the sport of the gods (road cycling - only piss off MTB!). 5-7 minutes should be dictated to this before every training ride and 8.25 to 9.5 minutes every race day. One should also always be constantly checking their reflection in shop windows when riding in town

- Jimmy, not only are yo super pro, but you're also really handsome? Just how do you pull this off?

This happens to be a fine art, which I have somehow managed to perfect over the past few years. It involves carefully listening to all Bollywood’s (Mitch's) fashion and style tips and ignoring anything that comes out of Nick Smiths mouth! Also I must say that the consumption of a pear (not apple) cider helps considerably with the looks. While any Italian beer seems to put a bit more punch in your legs!  

- Jimmy, if someone yells at you in the bunch for attacking or not pulling turns, how do you deal with it?

Well the issue of being told off for attacking seems to be only a temporally, issue as given a minute I’ll never see the Hubbard again. And as for not rolling turns, I prefer to tell them straight up “Listen mate my plan is to sit on and let you do the work, I’ll just roll you at the line” the common response is usually a shake of the head. He clearly did not understand.  

- Jimmy, will this ridiculous fad of fluoro gear in the local bunches ever end? (and do pink tyres make you go faster?)

As long as Hollywood continues on the local seen it will never end. The question of whether it makes one faster is easily answered. If the fluoro gear is worn at the extremities of the body for example, bootie covers, eye wear or gloves, the answer is yes. If it is worn covering large portions of the body the cyclist is a disgrace and they will most likely get dropped. I happened to see a cyclist a few weeks back wearing long fingered fluoro gloves, but then they had short fingered gloves over the top! This is a big no no and that particular rider, who shall not be named, is going nowhere!


- Jimmy, chamois creme... yay or nay? Also, euro "tingle" or standard...
Any product or practice that cyclists in Europe indorse gets a big tick. So it’s a yes and either standard or euro tingle are acceptable. If the cream is applied by ones mistress or girlfriend it seems to work much better and your chances of dominating the race increase dramatically.

- Jimmy, have you ever had such a numb dick that you could slam it between a car door with no ill effects pain wise?

All the time.

For those not lucky enough to have Jimmy providing constant commentary on personal appearance and race tactics, we'll be providing top tips from the Boss periodically.

Stay tuned.

Monday, October 21, 2013

How the #GORC Was Won

Words by Gene...

I sit here now a week after the fact with a G&T in hand, watching A Sunday in Hell I think to myself: "Could I do that on a fixie?"

How the #GORC was won?

Well to put it truly, short and simply - it was won by a bunch of pretty fast guys on carbon road bikes dressed in matching spandex suits yelling stuff like "RIDERS RIDERS RIDERS PASSING!!!!" while we dinged our bells, did whip skids and yelled stuff like "WOOOOOO" and "SKIDZZZZZZZZ"

So now that question's been answered, here's some tips on how to do the #GORC if you get the chance.

1. Turn up on time - it's a handy cap so this sort of thing helps.

2. Get some rest - any less than 8 hours sleep is not recommended....we definitely got 5... right.

3. Proper pre race nutrition carb loading and lots of light greens are recommended - or beer. Just shit loads of beer and a massive BBQ.

4. Breakfast. Don't forget breakfast - well at least we wont next year.

5. When packing do a full equipment and parts check-list - like who could possibly forget a wheel..........

6. Taper. When you taper correctly it will make a massive difference - I tapered for about 4 months.

7. Post race recovery. Don't wait 3 hours to get something to eat. Also, avoid any unnecessary sun exposure and any dehydrating toxins (read: beer).

Right... now... 

"Do a back-flip, Nick. DO A BACK-FLIP, NICK." 

How the #GORC was lost?

We arrived in Aireys at 6pm, Mitch was already slurring his words, beers got sunk and the BBQ was had. After a restful 5 hours sleep we awoke to no breakfast, and a lack of a rear track wheel for one of the bikes. yep where running late. A call to the Cam Mcfarlane at the @is (Anglesea Institute of Sport) and we sorted the wheel at a cost to not only our start time, but the Hell Krew's as well.

After a bit of skid practice we head off.

The climb out of Lorne warmed our legs up pretty quickly and after that bit of stress the rest of the ride was pretty casual till we hit Forrest. Although the first set of descents down to deans marsh reminded us that brake-less track bikes are, well, well they don't have brakes.

Climbing out from Forrest up to the top of the Skenes Creek descent set me to delivering the mail a tad, then it was all down hill, literally.

It was an awesome day out and I recommend it to all those who think the Warny is insane. A massive thanks to the Great Ocean Road Cyling club for setting it up and running a great event.