After this infamous accident at the Sydney round of the National CX series last year, the Cross Boss when about putting some serious time and thought into refining his barrier technique.
On the weekend we all got to see his new method in full flight at the WCC Syca-cross race at Mill Park BMX track.
We think he's got it pretty much dialled in now. What do you think?
Here's some things we learnt in the Saturday's C Grade combine race, for the much sought after Hawthorn Trophy:
Nick Saint Cloud can ride up hills real fast.
Nick Saint Cloud can ride up hills real fast over and over again.
Nick Saint Cloud can and WILL ride up hills real fast over and over again, and string out the bunch, and drop guys. Every lap.
Guys who weren't Nick Saint Cloud got scared of the climb, and wouldn't do any work on the rest of the lap, for fear of the pain Nick Saint Cloud would inevitably unleash on the climb. Every lap.
Two guys attacked on the first lap, including Sunbury's Rob Merkel. The bunch didn't seem to care. They were all just watching the back of Nick Saint Cloud, and wondering what the hell PAFT meant.
Old Man Hogan sat in, saving his Old Man Legs.
We gave our Brunswick track buddy, Scott Gigante, a lift out to the race, kitted him up in some fresh Saint Cloud shop kit, and he duly responded by attacking with 1.5 laps to go (after the two breakaway boys had been caught), and solo-ing away for the win, though he probably died a thousand deaths on the final climb to the finish, as his huge lead dwindled down to 30m. But he's clearly stronger than 1000 LeBrons, and will likely tear C Grade a new one at the 3 Day Tour.
Nick Saint Cloud did eventually pay for his repeated efforts on the climb, but still managed an amazing 7th place after spending pretty much the whole day on the front with Scott.
Old Man Hogan and his Old Man Legs held on for 9th.
In B Grade, Nicholas Edwards looked splendid in his new team kit. Although he didn't win the race, he deserves a prize for his immaculate blue shoes. Well done son.
As always, the folks at Hawthorn Cycling Club did a tremendous job taking photos of the racing and getting those photos up on the interwebs quick smart, and so there are a veritable shit load of photos here.
Thanks heaps to HCC for the race, the photos, and the sponsorship from Mountain Goat. Great to see a local craft brewer getting on board!
Editors note: below is the race report as penned by Matt at four in the morning while Theo the baby did the old mouth warble. Matt asked the highly educated and clever Saint Cloud editors to edit it as we saw fit. Let it be noted that the editors found Matt's Kerouac-esque stream of consciousness prose to be both enlightening and entertaining. We also have our suspicions that the race report proper contains Kafka-like elements, with themes ranging from confusion, to confusion, prevailing...the like of which haven't been seen since the publication of The Trial. We have sent it off to some of the best lit crit experts in the field to confirm/deny this. With all this in mind, please find the very lightly edited version of Matt's race report.
Our sleep deprived narrator and family.
When we thought crit season was done and dusted we were back at National Bvd - and I must say it was like hooking back up with an ex girlfriend where the break had only been for two months, and although the normality was good, as was the conversation; the sex was like passing through the motions and far from that of the wild Arts chick that you picked up at Old Bar last Tuesday night. So I'm guessing due to a bunch of other races round the place (or the fact people couldn't be fucked hooking up with the ex again this early on) entries were somewhat down in A which saw a bunch of SC riders bumped up, and Nick Mahoney representing in C. Nick from all accounts rode a good race - personally I spent most of it in a line waiting for the well used toilet - however it is a spacious disabled one which gets bonus points once in. We had a good showing of five in A: Spriros first Crit since the infamous Death Crit (sporting new blue kicks), Jez coming off the man flu, Mitch hitting some form, Duggan on the verge of over training and myself sleep deprived five weeks to date. As per usual, it took a lap and we had a presence on the front of the bunch with Mitch beginning the first of his four attempts of breaking in the unholy winds. Next was Spriro, then Jez, maybe me, Mitch again and Duggan- repeating for the next 50mins in no logical or planned fashion. Last lap came up as Mitch, Jez and myself pulled Duggan into position and let him battle through the finishing drag for a second and well earned place place - interesting fact was his last 2nd was at Death Crits so maybe something to do with Spriro? Summing up, it was nice to chat again in the same old fashion that has been all too familiar over the last summer months, but I must say my mind kept drifting off to that night at the Old Bar and the interesting and aggressive courses that is the usual Northern Combine race. Happy to put the National Bvd back in the pocket until time has past on a bit longer and the normality of going round in circles isn't akin to banging your head against a wall repeatedly. Shout out to Gene, photographer and swanny legend! PHOTOS have been left at the bottom, so as not to interrupt the flow of the text.